Tuesday 27 October 2009

ARKA Analysis

In accompaniment to Ben Jeans Houghton's new art work ARKA, Field Work One, Iris has been contributing to an ongoing dialogue with Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau and Emma Cummins concerning the nature of dreams, their place in art, and critical discourse.

The online discussion is regularly updated and can be viewed at www.arkaanalysis.com

Wednesday 7 October 2009

The Spaces Between

The Spaces Between

36 Lime Street Gallery and Studios,
Newcastle upon Tyne

Saturday 17th - Sunday 24thOctober

"...truth can neither be apprehended nor communicated...history is an art like all other sciences."
Cicely Wedgwood (1960), English Historian

The Spaces Between is a show of new, site-responsive drawing and paintings by the Newcastle based artist Iris Priest.

The work in the show seeks to establish a poetic archaeology of the space at 36 Lime Street, exploring its history and past incarnations, as recorded through the archives, newspaper stories and rumour.

By avoiding elevating or giving authority to any one of these sources, Priest attempts to distill a history which is at once factual, fantastical, personal and metaphorical. The work hints towards the presence of absence, and the presence of unknowable history.